Wednesday 25 March 2015

Out for a duck

It appears that no self-respecting city is complete without a duck shop, so the Amsterdam Duck Store would seem to tick that box.

Really? A duck store? When I first heard about the shop, I came over all purse-lipped about the excesses of capitalism and the environmental impact of a load of plastic ducks, but I quickly overcame my scruples when I walked past the window display. I wasn't the only one captivated; it raised a smile from everyone who walked past, and often a photo. You can see why...

Suddenly, confronted with an absurd array of ducks wearing the sort of fancy dress I'd like myself, I not only wanted a rubber duck – I needed one. Inside, shelves groaned with a duck for every occasion: weddings, graduation, medical procedures, football fixtures... The array was quite dazzling and the price appealing. I test-swam a few ducks in a plastic tub embedded in the sales counter. It wouldn't do to end up with a sinker.

In the end, I settled for a diva duck, complete with feather boa. I'm not a diva, but I like the idea that I now own a duck that is. We just need to keep those feathers dry in the bath.

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